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What is an AI chatbot

What is an AI chatbot?

An AI chatbot is a piece of software that communicates with people through written language, powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). It’s often embedded in web pages or other digital applications to answer customer queries without the need for a human agent. Utilizing an AI chatbot allows for affordable and efficient customer service solutions.

An AI chatbot is essentially a computer program designed to simulate human communication. These chatbots find applications across various online scenarios, ranging from customer service to sales. One of the most prominent examples of conversational AI through chatbots can be seen on eCommerce websites, where bots enable customers to inquire about specific products and receive immediate responses. With the evolution of AI technology, chatbots have transformed from simple tools into indispensable assets capable of engaging with consumers in a remarkably human and personalized manner.



AI can be employed through Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) in conjunction with a chatbot.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) enables computers to understand language, not only in terms of words but also in the context of the entire message. This capability allows for more accurate and relevant responses, benefiting support services.

Machine Learning (ML), a form of artificial intelligence (AI), focuses on building systems that can learn from processed data or use data to improve performance.


What is the difference between a rule-based and an AI chatbot?

In a rule-based chatbot, Q&A interactions are defined by specific rules, which can be labor-intensive to maintain and update continually. This approach often leads to a rigid chatbot that struggles to comprehend questions effectively. On the other hand, an AI chatbot utilizes Natural Language Processing (NLP) and the knowledge it has been trained on to understand questions and provide responses.

AI Chatbots Methodologies

By initially feeding an AI chatbot with abundant data and allowing it to continuously collect data over time, the software’s capacity grows. The algorithm of an AI chatbot can autonomously enhance itself using both the predefined data and the data gathered from conversations.

The bot learns from the conversations it engages in with visitors. There are methodologies where the AI chatbot is initially deployed as live chat software to learn from both questions and answers. Consequently, the database of questions and answers expands rapidly, enabling the AI chatbot to handle more conversations independently as time progresses. Changes must be retrained accordingly using this method.

A third approach involves leveraging platforms like Here, the AI chatbot is fed with information added in the form of documents, websites, etc. This method allows for rapid training of the chatbot. Such training sessions can be completed within minutes, in contrast to training AI models, which often take months. Moreover, AI models may introduce some degree of variability based on the training data. By utilising Smitty, it’s possible to control the responses generated by the AI by adjusting its personality and directing its creativity level. These configurations ensure that the AI responds in a manner aligned with your company. utilises existing language AI models to answer questions effectively.


How this is applied within Smitty in conjunction with an AI knowledge base

Training optimised to minutes. We combine knowledge from multiple data sources/knowledge bases to answer queries. This can be utilised for sales, HR, support, or learning purposes.

Benefits of using chatbots

Chat software with machine learning capabilities can assist in more efficient resource utilisation. On one hand, support or marketing personnel can engage in multiple chat conversations simultaneously. On the other hand, bots can autonomously conduct conversations to ease pressure on the service desk, sales support, and HR.

Enhancing customer focus

An AI chatbot is available day and night. Additionally, the bot isn’t restricted by a limited capacity of employees manning the chat, phone, or service desk. This enables quicker assistance to customers and prospects, thereby enhancing customer focus.

Supporting employees in their tasks

Chatbots can also be deployed to support employees in their daily tasks by using business-specific information to train the AI chatbot. In, this can be accomplished within minutes.


By deploying an AI bot instead of an employee, companies find it much easier to offer 24/7 availability. When a consumer has a question, an AI chatbot is ready to provide an immediate response. Leveraging integrated systems and databases, it can genuinely assist the customer. A scripted chatbot can only follow the script.


One of the key drivers behind the adoption of AI chatbots is their affordability. The total cost of ownership is low compared to hiring additional staff members.

Examples of advanced chatbots

– GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 (turbo) by OpenAI, which Smitty also utilizes.

– Bard, PalM2 by Google

– Claude2 by Anthropic

– Grok by Elon Musk

We will soon make these models available in